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Writer's pictureDanielle Boyd

The Key To Confidence

The Key To Confidence

“Blessed is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord and whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord”- Jeremiah 17:7

Let’s just cut to the chase. As believers, our confidence MUST be in the Lord. We have to make a conscious, daily decision to trust and rely on HIM only. This year alone has taught us that the only constant is God’s unfailing love, grace, and mercy for us.

When we fail to put our total trust in the Lord, we open the door for fear to creep in because we take it upon ourselves to do what we are either unprepared for or what we have no business doing at all. The Spirit of God indwells every believer in order for Him to live out His purposes through us. When we place our agenda first, we will fall prey to our flesh.

You may be able to strive in the flesh temporarily but doing so will ultimately lead to spiritual death. Have you ever felt tired, worried, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed, or burned out? I think we’ve all been there before whether we want to admit it or not but as the saying goes, “when you know better, you do better.” When these feelings begin to surface, we need to stop and ask ourselves if there are areas in our life that we are failing to trust God with completely. Have we placed our confidence in man, our jobs, our relationships, or some other outside factor?

The key to walking in confidence is Christ. He is our hope. Without him we will fail but with him we can walk into the blessings that he has specifically in store for each of us. This type of confidence is not based on title, possessions, or status. This confidence is rooted in the sacrifice that Christ made for us on the cross

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