Living in fear can be extremely costly. If you are wondering how, I’ll explain it to you. Fear can cause us to waste time through procrastination or plain stagnation. This same procrastination can create situations where we miss out on valuable opportunities. Missing out on these opportunities can prevent us from developing critical relationships. Ultimately fear can create insecurities which are the breeding grounds for low self esteem, anxiety, and regret. If we don’t take the necessary steps to break the cycle of fear, we will live a depleted life.
This is absolutely not what Christ gave his life for! His word in John 10:10 says, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” He paid the ultimate price so that we wouldn’t have to. How long will you allow fear to rob you of what is rightfully yours as a Daughter of the King?
We have to make the radical decision to reject fear and it’s hold on our lives. Again, fear is real but it doesn’t have to rob you. At the same time, we all make the conscious decision to protect our physical and earthly possessions. We lock the doors to our house, our cars and even that room in the house that you don’t want anyone going into. We place password protected locks on our devices with hopes that our confidential information isn’t compromised. We should begin to use that same vigilance spiritually. Not only do we need to shut the door, we also need to lock the door and throw away the key!
Identify the things that fear has stolen from you.
How can you begin to reclaim those things by faith in Christ?
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