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Are You Listening?

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27 (NLT)

If you were to ask me if God speaks, my answer would be a resounding “YES!”

I recently finished Discerning the Voice of God, a 7-day devotional by Priscilla Shirer. I highly recommend this devotional because it focuses on the importance of obedience. It hit me like a ton of bricks because I’m the one that’s always petitioning God to “speak to me.” At the same time, I’ve also been the one that’s guilty of drowning out the voice of the Lord by pushing ahead with my own agenda. Can you relate?

Let’s back up a bit because someone may be asking, “How does God speak?” I can only speak from personal experience but I will say that there has never been a time that He has spoken and I didn’t know it.

There have been times when He spoke through a person. He got me straight through a conversation that I had with my daughter just the other day! Then there were times when He spoke through a situation or circumstance. The majority of the time, He speaks to me through a nudge, a little tap or poke in my Spirit. Finally He always speaks to me through His Word, the Bible.

Want to know if God is speaking to you? If you’re inquiring, you already know the answer. Get still, listen, and ask Him to give you the strength and wisdom to obey.

When we know His voice, we can trust that He will never lead us astray. We must, however, take the next step and follow His leading. Are you listening?

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