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21 Days Of Prayer: Week Three

Writer's picture: Danielle BoydDanielle Boyd

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Day 15: Entrepreneurs

Father God I come before you lifting up every fellow entrepreneur to you. I thank for placing within each of us the desire to represent you through the businesses that you’ve placed in our hands.

I thank you that you are and will continue to be the most important part of our business strategy. Without you we can’t do anything but with you all things are possible. Help us to consistently submit our plans to you. We will seek you first in all things and watch the things that you’ve ordained come to pass on our behalf.

Help us to increase our faith and take the limits off of you. Give us eyes to see what you are doing in us and through us in the Spirit. You are the Creator of heaven and earth. Nothing is too difficult for you. We thank you for ordering our steps, opening doors, and surrounding us with those individuals that will support us physically and financially.

I speak against doubt, fear, and worry. Help us to operate in confidence that your goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives. We understand that with you we win no matter what it looks like. We cannot lose!

Father God help us not to fall into the trap of comparison. Help us to know that what you have in store for us will not pass us by. You’re timing is best. Help us to rejoice when our brothers and sisters in business win. Forgive us for the times that we may have harbored jealousy or even bitterness in our hearts. We don’t want to be our own demise. Fix our heart and our mind and help us to walk in humility.

We are encouraged and we wait with great expectation for the things that you have in store for us and our businesses this year. We will continue to move ahead in your strength. We thank you that your grace is sufficient for us.

Day 16: Finances

Father God in Jesus’ name I thank you for giving me the power to get wealth. Help me to always give from a place of generosity because your Word says that you love a cheerful giver.

I thank you for supplying all of my needs and my families according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You came that I might have life and that more abundantly. I will seek your Kingdom first and foremost and your righteousness. There is no lack in you. You are my sufficiency.

Father God forgive me for the times that I did not prioritize giving in the area of tithes and offering. Help me to trust that your Word is true. Help me to approach your throne with open hands so that you can fill them for your glory. I know that I am blessed to be a blessing. Help me to be wise in the area of spending, saving, and investing this year.

Help me to sow seeds of faith knowing that those same seeds will produce a harvest at the appointed time. Help me not to uproot the seeds the I’ve sown prematurely as a result of doubt, unbelief, disobedience, and fear.

You have given me the ultimate example of giving through your Son Jesus. Help me to be intentional about looking for ways to give of my time, talent, and resources this year. I know that you will bring the increase.

Day 17: A Servant’s Heart

Father God I thank you for sending Jesus and the example that He provided of humility and service. He became sin even though he was blameless just for me. I am overwhelmed and grateful for the price that was paid for my sins.

I come before you asking that you would create in me a clean heart. Renew a right spirit within me. Jesus came to bring me into right standing and relationship with you. I want to serve you from a sincere place. Help me to put aside performance and replace this tendency with pure motives.

In serving you help me to also serve others. Help me to begin in my household. Give me the strength and wisdom to value the various hats that I wear even when the days seem long and mundane. I thank you for helping me not to complain but to give thanks in all things knowing that you will honor every sacrifice.

Father God help me to make a conscious decision to find ways to serve even though it may run counter to culture. While I may live in this world I know that I am a citizen of heaven. I want to have a Kingdom view. Help me to maintain Kingdom perspective. Thank you for the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Help me to lift you up. In doing so I know that others will be drawn to you. Again, I thank you for helping me humble myself. I thank you for your grace that is sufficient.

Day 18: Impact

Father God in Jesus’ name I thank you for the opportunity that you give to me on a daily basis to be salt and light in the earth. Help me to purpose in my heart to make your name famous.

Help me to deny myself daily and to submit to your will Heavenly Father. You are the vine. Help me to stay connected so that I can bear good fruit. You are the goal. You are the prize. Help me to run after you.

Help me not to become a stumbling block to my brothers and sisters Father God. I’m human. I make mistakes. I don’t have all of the answers but I know that you do. I pray that you will empower me by your Holy Spirit to carry out the great commission as a disciple and follower of Christ.

Father God I pray that wherever I go that your Spirit would precede me. It’s not me Father God but it’s Christ that lives on the inside of me that will make the difference. Thank you for helping me to make an impact for your glory.

Help me to use what you have given me. Remove all doubt and fear and help me to walk in love just as you did even for those who blatantly mistreated you. I place my trust in you and I thank you that my legacy will point to the fact that your goodness and mercy chased me all the days of my life.

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